Friday 29 June 2012

Festivus Find - Volgens de vogels

Had a great night at Festivus last Wednesday night and met some great new people including animator Bianca Ansems who put me onto this great film. Volgens de vogels or 'According to Birds' in English was created using a new program to me TV Paint, which clearly gives great effects when used well, I will have to give it a go.

Volgens de vogels is beautifully animated with strong attention to detail in the movement of the birds, very graceful and charming. Also the minimalist sound and background artwork really help you to be drawn in and quite happily relax and be calmed. Great concept, cleverly thought out and richly animated, a triumph.

Thursday 7 June 2012

1st Anniversary for 'Deja View'

Congratulations to Andreas Deja for his first year in blogging. Over the last year his blog 'Deja View' has presented us with a wealth of knowledge from the Disney back catalogue. From scene planning to character designs to films that never even saw the light of day.

I personally have enjoyed every single post and have learnt so much from each one. His knowledge on the nine old men is amazing and his personal collection of animation drawings certainly proves that. He is truly a Disney icon and fanatic and I look forward to lots more posts and insights.

Keep up the good work Andreas and heres to another year on top!

Here are some drawings that he did for a film that never made it further that initial development. This had to be my favourite of his posts, I just love his characters, the movement and acting he gets out of a single drawing.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

New 'Wreck-It-Ralph' trailer

Just watched the Disney's new 'Wreck-it-Ralph' trailer. For their 52nd animated feature it's about time they broke away from convention but to go down the parody route just seems a bit too easy and non-adventurous.

It does pose a new idea though, putting famous computer game characters into one film. Just feel that it isn't very Disney, more Dreamworks and even they've cut down on output like this.

Fingers crossed its a great film! Ever the optimist!