These are some experimental poses for the animation. He's becoming more enjoyable the more I draw him haha.
I am currently doing a piece of animation concerning a fat man and a lift for my mate. These are some preliminary designs for the. More will follow, hopefully daily with any luck.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Here are the second batch of life drawings. Hope to add more over the next few weeks.
Here are the second batch of life drawings. Hope to add more over the next few weeks.
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Nearly finished my life drawing class for the year so I thought I'd post up some of my workings. I'll put a few up now and then some later, proabably tomorow. Hope you enjoy looking as much I did drawing!
Thursday, 29 October 2009
These are some drawings that i've done over the past week. I've tried to sit down for at least a couple of hours a night after work and just draw, and this is the result. I've mainly focused on different expressions and attitudes so I hope this is clear.
I've also been looking at Sandro Cleuzo's work, which I find very inspiring. He is an animator at Disney at the moment but has worked on films like Anastasia and Asterix and Obelix. If you wish to check him out, which I definately reckon you should, here is a link to his blog:
The drawings of the top hatted gentleman are direct copies of Sandro's work, I just thought i'd include them as I think the design is perfect. After I drew them I added in the lines of action in order to get a feeling of what the character was doing in the image.
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
These are some of the preliminary drawings of the colonel that I did before starting to animate. Some of the single head shots were used to work out mouth shapes and expressions.
Monday, 19 October 2009
This is a little test animation that I've coloured on photoshop after hand drawing it. I've coloured it so that the construction lines show through. I love the rough feel of line animation and want to capture it in colour.
I recently did some work for an animation and production company called Square Zero based in London. The project was for a mobile phone company's training video and was produced using Toon Boom. I had great fun doing it and being at Square Zero. There are some exciting and innovative things going on there at the moment and it was a real privilege to work with them. If you wanna check them out then see this link
This is the animation that i did. I animated a large percentage of the main character, which i think turned out really well.
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Here are some storyboards as promised from my film Maximus and Minimus. I've tried to keep them to a minimum as there are quite a lot! They were all put into my animatic that I may put up if I can hunt it out.
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
This is my final year film called Maximus and Minimus. All hand drawn, in the traditional way. Took a long time and over 3500 pictures but was totally worth it. I will follow this post with some of the preliminary work at some point.
Here are some sketches from my day out at Chester zoo. Pretty good zoo! Although not a patch on London!